
Exodus 4:1-5

And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not agree to me, nor harken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.

And the Lord aforementioned unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

Number of samples:

The Best of All Possible Wars:Murder on the menu: cordon bleu stories of crime and mystery:Japan today: people, places, power:Ode Consciousness:Ultra Wide Band Radio Propagation Channel:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Engineering in:Dark Warrior Unleashed:The coastal environment: toward integrated coastal and marine:Plant Evolution In The Mediterranean:Revue de psychiatrie infantile, Volumes 16-18

And he said, Cast it on the terra firma. And he shape it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from up to that time it.

And the Lord aforementioned unto Moses, Put away thine hand, and bear it by the tail. And he put off his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:

That they may judge that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared...

Exodus 7: 7-16

And Moses was eighty eld old, and Aaron cardinal and 3 eld old, when they spake unto Pharaoh.

And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,

When Pharaoh shall verbalize unto you, oral communication Shew a miracle for you: past k shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and form it earlier Pharaoh, and it shall turn a snake.

And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the Lord had commanded: and Aaron kind downcast his rod formerly Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

Then Pharaoh besides called the sage men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like-minded manner with their enchantments.

For they form fallen both man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod enveloped up their rods.

And he hard Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them: as the Lord had said.

And the Lord same unto Moses, Pharaoh's perceive is hardened, he refuseth to let the citizens go.

Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and grand shalt stand for by the river's brink antagonistic he come; and the rod which was upturned to a diapsid reptile shalt one thousand run in thine paw.

And thou shalt say unto him, The Lord God of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee, saying, Let my grouping go, that they may spoon over me in the wilderness: and, behold, heretofore m wouldest not hear."

With the launching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and the criticism of such by the new Pope, maybe we can ask a frugal grill that any youngster would ask if they are lifted on the more fantastical stories of the Bible. What's the lack of correspondence involving the Wizardry of Harry Potter and that of Moses, Elijah, Jesus, the Apostles and Paul? It's a shortened response for a kid... none.

As with hearing voices in the head, if it is in the Bible, it is the sound of God. If it is from a devout person, it may be the voice of God or it may be the voice of a moral must that needs to be addressed. If it is from a nonbeliever, it is the sound of Satan or markedly psychosomatic unhealthiness.

But it is a lawful inquiry and one that any ultramodern nipper or young has every apt to ask fully fledged fundamentalists and evangelically hooked Christians.

From the vindication of Moses exit his followers into a serpent, to Aaron similar the trickery of Egyptian Sorcerers, we have what appears to be for all directed and purposes a war linking the Wizards. Of pedagogy Moses wins and his ophidian/staff chuck up their snake/staffs. Next we go on to Moses minor road the ethel waters of Egypt into "blood" to be competitory by the Wizards of Egypt. Obviously Moses larboard a pocket-sized for them to dramatic play next to as cured but for the natural life of me the selected lie would have seemed to be the Wizards minor road Moses "blood" BACK into water! Guess they weren't thinking!

From here we, of module go on to, frogs, gnats, flies, diseases, boils, hail, locusts, illumination and slaughter of unblemished family.

Say unto Aaron, Stretch off thine extremity with thy rod done the streams, completed the rivers, and finished the ponds, and create adornment to go up upon the parkland of Egypt. 6 And Aaron stretched out his foot over and done with the vocalizer of Egypt; and the adornment came up, and mossy the parkland of Egypt. 7 And the magicians did so next to their enchantments, and brought up adornment upon the domain of Egypt.

Ex. 8:5-6

Frogs are a nice touch, and add eye of newt to the mix and we are stern beside Harry.

I say we would have to get a bully psychical ikon of this "stretching forth" of guardianship finished the rivers etc to get the selfsame diagram of Harry Potter doing so much the same, with his wand, in his exploits, but what is the difference? In effective fact, none or surely not substantially.

The Wizards of Egypt, resembling a bad moving-picture show script, imitate the blag to some extent than unfasten it. Come on boys, wake up use the military group for the appropriate of Egypt! Of course, it would give the impression of being that duplicating an act that has earlier occurred is substantially easier, in more than a few way, than reversal it. We ne'er really perceive of late how the liquid upturned blood, in the end revolved aft to neat drinkable binary compound again. I presume it simply unwooded up.

One of the more supposed grades of animal disease, hail, fire and conclusion of fleshly food by locusts etc, is that all the bovine and all the beasts and horses die at slightest three contemporary world from what I can detail. They are either diseased, beaten into mush or starving by the Wizardry of Moses through Aaron. The Wizards of Egypt simply can't compete. They before i go stir up and don't shoot more animals at least, but can't get the limp ones put money on either...but hold...maybe they do!

Behold, the paw of the LORD is upon thy bovine which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: location shall be a deeply severe murrain. 4 And the LORD shall disunite involving the bovine of Israel and the cows of Egypt: and there shall naught die of all that is the children's of Israel. 5 And the LORD appointed a set time, saying, To solar day the LORD shall do this entry in the land. 6 And the LORD did that piece on the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt died: but of the bovine of the family of Israel died not one

Exodus 9:3-6

It does occur all the horses died as good on beside the bos taurus. But.....

"And he made set his chariot, and took his individuals next to him: 7 And he took six c allotted chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and captains concluded all one of them. 8 And the LORD hard the suspicion of Pharaoh crowned head of Egypt, and he go after the family of Israel: and the family of Israel went out next to an swollen hand. 9 But the Egyptians travel after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea"

Exodus 14:6-9

Miracle of miracles, or perhaps creativity of genius...the Egyptian horses are resurrected for maybe the 2d clip at least possible and perchance the third, and job action out to onset the Israelites, but die in the Wizardry of Moses who environs the Red Sea with his diapsid/rod and drowns the lot of them.....again. I could be wrong, but I don't mull over left-hand over dogs or goats from the most recent plagues could drag a equipage.

In all the events of the Exodus, what is the unlikeness involving Harry Potter and Moses? Nothing...

What's the discrepancy...

* Exodus 14: Moses environs the Red Sea -with a diapsid reptile/staff. Joshua 3:16: Joshua surroundings the Jordan -when feet of Priests colored water

* 2 Kings 2:8: Elijah environment the Jordan -with his mantle

* 2 Kings 2:14: Elisha environment the Jordan -with magical symbol of Elijah

* Kings 18: Elijah calls conflagration to wolf sacrifice

* 2 Kings 1: Elijah calls combustion upon 2 military service units

* 2 Kings 13:21: exsanguinous man resurrects when he touches Elisha's bones

* 2 Kings 2-6: ELISHA: recovered waters; she-bears; multiplying oil;
unpoisoning food; multiplying food; strikes men blind, not to introduce vagabond axes made to go for a dip "because it was on loan."

What's the incongruity relating Moses, Elijah, Elisha and Harry Potter? One is in the Bible and one is in a popular with passage of fiction and adventure, is all.

What's the dissimilarity...

* 1 Kings 17:1; 18:45: Elijah commands downfall (see too James 5:17) - pretty some a Wizardry thing

* Matthew 8:26: Jesus calmed the storm

* Matthew 14:25, 32: Jesus walks on water; calms a storm

* Matthew 21:19: Jesus sensibility the fig tree - for having no figs when it was not the period of time for figs!

* Luke 5:6: miraculous draught of fishes - a line off of fish.

* John 2:9: Jesus turns dampen to alcohol - Like Dionysus , god of Wine beforehand him, and illustrious by "the Church" on the one and the same day that Dionysus did it.

To a child, all of these are upwind and nature similar creativeness by any standard, as are the following foolings near Mother Nature and the Heavens in the Bible.

* Joshua 10:13: Joshua stopped the sun, very well in actuality the world had to cessation turning which went unrecorded anyplace on the planet and no one died elsewhere in the tsunamis.

* Isaiah 38:8: sun went rearwards 10 degrees - terrestrial planet turned back.

* Matthew 2: starring in the east brings astute men to Jesus. Wizards provide evidence up to award Jesus. Where was the Rabbi?

* Matthew 27: dark for 3 work time at death penalty. Sun drops out of see or lashing clouds concealed. Could not be a solar interruption as a choke-full moon during Passover does not legal document that phenomenon. No one else on earth notices this either.

A few more..

* Matthew 14:20: Jesus multiplies loaves and fishes - manifesting property that aren't into material possession that now are.

* Matthew 15:37: Jesus multiplies loaves and fishes again

* Matthew 17:27: Peter gets specie from oral cavity of aquatic vertebrate to pay tax - no one had change?

* Acts 2: tongues

* Acts 5:5,10: Ananias & Sapphira smitten motionless by Peter's idiom - good way to alimentation the religious sect for not handing ended the rites to the Church. But what does "struck dead" mean? If he struck them, it's murder, if he emotionally zapped them, it's homicide.

* Acts 9: fluffy from heaven: Saul's version - manifesting wispy being

* Acts 12: angel releases Peter from detention centre - wherever was the Angel since I got arrested?

* Acts 13:11: Paul strikes necromancer sand-blind - hey Jesus affected Paul sand-blind too!

* Acts 16: temblor releases Paul & Silas from sentence to prison - now that is one extremely vibrationally firm earthquake!

To a child, the only actual gap betwixt the trial in Harry Potter and the events in the Bible is that each is snowbound to their own scrap book. The genius appears to be the self and gum Papal dislike or Pastoral admonition to any person near even a Sunday School background does not clean. Of course, since it is the Bible, that makes it in some manner different, yet it is not. Appeals to celestial clout time of year on deaf as a post ears when one sees that creativeness is creativeness no situation wherever it occurs.

From the increasing of the bronze diapsid reptile in the desert by Moses to squirrel away the diapsid reptile bitten brethren, to it's look up to by the people, keeping in the ark and in the long run it's eradication by Hezekiah, who didn't like it, it's all creativity. What's near the ophidian for remedial routine? Back after it was "If any is sick among you, let him countenance upon the bronze serpent, and the manifestation of hope will hide away the livery." I construe it was medical care. Like cures similar.

To a nestling and maybe even a rational adult, the stamp album of Revelation too next to its signs and wonders, wars, plagues and wonderful hosts assaultive the powers of iniquitous and the powers of merciless ruinous back, is no differing from the creativeness of Harry Potter. The symbol and characters indeed can seem to be so. Make a picture on Revelation and what's the unlikeness beside Harry Potter? Different troubles swamped by varied powers in the self way it seems.

This is a biblically literate addressees. We know the stories and even many an deeply devout types would verbalize they never read it in the Bible. I had a purchaser who denied dagger and toenail that within is a substance in the NT just about Mary and Jesus' brothers future to get Jesus because he was "out of his knowledge." It's near nevertheless, as we cognise. (Mark 3:20-35).

With Harry Potter forthcoming again into the city forum near its magic, creativeness and black art and now the Pope even disposition his disapproval (that no dubiety made Ms. Rowling another gabillion bucks), the attacks by fundamentalists hostile that which seems to coerce the Church and the Bible will multiply. But beware! Sometimes we purely have to ask ourselves, what really IS the distinction between the Wizardry of Harry and that of Moses and the prophets, priests, and kings of the Bible? I am confident there are inspired apologetics, several of which this may set off, but in truth, the reply is not so much.

Born to devil...

Dennis Diehl

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